Visiting Mr. Azami at his home

مجمع عمومی عادی بصورت فوق العاده شرکت تعاونی برگزار گردید 1395
January 23, 2017
جلسه تعامل انجمن مدیران صنایع ورق و کارتن و سندیکای کاغذ سازان ایران
February 7, 2017

دیروز هییت مدیره انجمن مدیران صنایع کارتن و ورق و هییت مدیره سندیکای تولیدکنندگان کاغذ و مقوای ایران با استاد اعظمی در منزل ایشان ملاقات نمودند

The board of directors of the Cooperative Company of the Association of Carton and Sheet Executives and the board of Iran Syndicate of Paper and Cardboard Producers visited Mr. Azami at his home yesterday.
Mr. Azami the Association of Carton and Sheet Executives CEO and one of the veterans of printing and packaging industry has had to have at least a month of bed rest since the operation on his lumbar disc.
That is why the board f directors of the Cooperative Company of the Association of Carton and Sheet Executives and the board of Iran Syndicate of Paper and Cardboard Producers visited him yesterday.


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