Two thousand five hundred tons of newsprint imports to the country in the past 45 days

Self sufficiency in the production of packaging paper
May 5, 2019
The paper price again exceeded the level of 500 thousand Tomans.
June 20, 2019

Two thousand five hundred tons of newsprint imports to the country in the past 45 days

2 thousand 587 tons of newsprint paper with 2 million and 298 thousand USD worth have been imported for the last 45 days.
According to ILNA, for the past 45 days, 2 thousand 587 tons of newsprint paper with 2 million and 298 thousand USD worth have been imported for the last 45 days. Since the beginning of the new Iranian year, 3 thousand and 137 thousand tons of newsprint paper rolls have been imported through the country customs with 2 million 778 thousand USD worth.
During the aforesaid period, Germany, the UAE, India, Russia, Turkey and Hungary were the major countries exporting newsprint paper rolls to Iran.
According to customs report, all types of paper are currently cleared from the customs as per the documents submitted by importers to the customs.
According to the report, the customs responsibility about clearance formalities will start after the goods are declared. According to the technical deputy of the customs affairs, paper  will be cleared in the shortest period of time after it is declared to the customs if all the documents are completely presented.
Moreover, according to the Article 38 of customs laws, the customs is in charge of investigating the goods from the time of declaring to the clearance of the goods. The processes of receiving bank documents and registering order and their problems are before declaring goods to the customs. Some importers say that the customs can help clear the goods and facilitate the process of the clearance as soon as they are declared to the customs. If the imported goods have the legal permits, they will be cleared in the shortest time.
Provided that the importers comply with the terms of clearance, only a few hours are required to clear them.

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