A brief report on the general assembly of the Cooperative Company
July 14, 2013
Annual general assembly (regular session) of the Cooperative Company of the Association of Carton and Corrugated Sheet Executives.
The general assembly was formed with the presence of the majority of members at the office of the Association at 2:20 p.m. on Monday July 11th, 2011.
The assembly was held with the presence of the majority of members at the office of the Association at 2:20 p.m.
At first, with the members’ votes, Mr. Keramati, Mr. Jokar, Mr. Azami and Mr. Pirjani were elected respectively as the chairman, the two supervisors, and the secretary of the assembly.
 Then, the board’s report was read, and the measures taken were explained for the participants including the below ones:
1.   Joining as the member of the Ministry of Cooperatives
2.   Registering the Cooperative Company at The Registration Office of the Companies
3.   Negotiating with the domestic producers of paper on purchasing paper in massive quantities for the members
4.   Negotiating with the paper importers and the foreign manufacturers of paper on purchasing paper in massive quantities for the members (7000 tons of paper were purchased from Roxel Co.)
5.   Preparing the paper making mill with the annual capacity of 250,000 tons for the cooperative company
After discussing the above report, Votes were casted to elect the main inspector and the substitute inspector where Mr. Poursaleh and Mr. Taheri were elected as elect the main inspector and the substitute inspector.
At the end of assembly, Mr. Eng. Pirjani (the ex-CEO of the Latif Paper making and Kaveh Paper making factories) as the executive manger gave some presentations on future measures for the members.
The assembly was ended at 3:45 p.m.


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