The head of Import Assembly: The order registration of imports has been stopped

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The head of Import Assembly: The order registration of imports has been stopped

Confirming the report on stopping order registration of imported goods, the head of the Import Assembly said, “On the government’s order, the previous order registrations has been cancelled what has led to the accumulation of raw materials at customs.
In an interview with Mehr News Agency, Alireza Managhebi, announcing the stoppage of order registration of imported goods, said, “The government has stopped the new order registration for the imports of goods to investigate the previous order registrations for the imports of goods; each of these files must be approved by the Ministry of Industry, Mining and Trade, and the operations of order registration should be given permission again.”
The head of the Import Assembly added, “The atmosphere the government has currently put in front of importers of the raw materials for the manufacturing sector and in general the importers of the goods is an obscure environment, and even the exporters do not know either how to connect with an importer to sell their export currency, while the currencies originated from the exports and supplied on the secondary market have now no customers.”
He stated, “On the other hand, the importer does not know what to do in the condition of the changes which introduced in the method of order registration for the imports of goods, and now we should frankly state that all Iranian enterprises, including the producer, importer, and exporter, are all in a condition of uncertainty, and no one can answer what to do in the current situation.”
According to Managhebi, now all economic activists are waiting to see what instructions and directives will be issue on the order registration of goods and raw materials required for their production; at the moment, the consequences of such policies and treatments with production is not clear now because there warehouses are filled with commodities, and the manufacturers are using their inventory now.”
He stated, “The production is currently facing very difficult conditions, and a lot of manufacturers cannot clear their goods from customs due to numerous directives; at present, the accumulated goods are seen at customs, and the production cost rises in this condition. These conditions can gradually slow down the production and disrupt factories because when the raw materials and intermediate goods are not available for production, and the government has also prevented the imports of some items required for production and consumption, in practice it creates problems which show its impacts on production in the medium and long term.”
The member of the Chamber of Commerce, Industries, Mines and Agriculture of Iran pointed out, “As the representatives of importing organizations, we have continuously announced the accounts regarding to the field of production and permanently warn the authorities about the ambiguous situation of the country, and even we sometimes announce the government the instance of those importers and producers who have had to make their forces abundant due to the problems resulted from government’s immediate decisions which are considered a kind of self-embargo.”

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