White Top paper factory opened in Kabul

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October 19, 2020
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October 28, 2020

White Top paper factory opened in Kabul

The first white top paper mill with a production capacity of 120 tons of paper per day started operating in Kabul.

Officials at the plant say the plant has a daily production capacity of 120 tonnes of paper and will meet Afghanistan’s needs if it has the raw materials.
According to officials; The plant employs more than 200 people and collects and recycles up to 15 tons of paper waste a day in Kabul.
The factory produces up to 20 tons of paper waste daily in two parts of carton production and white paper production, which collects and recycles in Kabul and puts it back on the market.
Afghanistan needs more than ten thousand tons of white top paper annually, a large part of which is imported from abroad.

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