In an interview with IRNA on Tuesday, Rahman Ahmadi added: “This afternoon, through the 125 system, we received a report of a fire in the warehouse of a carton factory in the Mahabad industrial town, and immediately the officers of this organization were sent to the scene with full equipment.” .
He continued by stating that five fire trucks were sent to the scene: Due to the intensity of the heat generated by this fire and the thick smoke in the factory, the firefighting operation was slow, but finally with the efforts of firefighters for 2 hours. The fire was contained.
Ahmadi said: “Due to the volume of fires, help was requested from other neighboring cities. Auxiliary forces from Miandoab, Buchan, Naqadeh, and Mahabad Petrochemical participated in this operation with a total of more than 40 relief forces.”
The director of the Mahabad Municipality Fire and Safety Services, stating that the fire has been extinguished in this place, said: According to eyewitnesses, the fire started from a truck that was parked near the place and gradually spread to the area. The factory warehouse has spread.
Ahmadi added: “This fire caused a lot of financial damage to the factory, but fortunately there were no casualties.”
He said that more than one hectare of the warehouse area caught fire in this incident, adding that firefighters are currently isolating and securing the surrounding area to prevent the fire from re-igniting.
According to IRNA, Mahabad Industrial Town is located 18 km from the city on the Mahabad-Miandoab route and has 51 active units.
Mahabad Fire and Safety Services Organization in the form of three stations, 42 operational personnel and with eight light and semi-heavy vehicles, carries out rescue and firefighting operations.
538 missions have been carried out by the organization over the past year, 394 of which were related to firefighting