Referring to the production of 23 types of paper in this factory, the CEO of Pars Paper Industries Group said, “The production of different types of paper with different applications in the Haf-Tappeh Pars Paper Factory has been accelerated so that the company can meet part of the country’s requirement for paper.”
Ahmad Moghaddam added, “Previously, only a part of the industrial carton sheets was produced in the factory, but now various products, including packaging paper, are used for packaging of all kinds of food industries, the appropriate paper for the packaging of hygienic materials and, most importantly, the suitable paper for packaging solid and liquid food products in the company.
He said, “The sum of these products has caused Pars Paper Industrial Group to have a very good plan in order to produce paper products in the company and in addition to expanding the scope of trade with various guilds and industries, reduce the risk of entering the recession.”
The CEO of the Haft-Tappeh Pars Paper Industrial Group also mentioned the exclusive production of disposable paper glass in the company and said, “In the production of some types of paper, including disposable paper glass based on 100% virgin pulp, Pars Paper Industrial Group is the exclusive producer in the country.”
He also referred to the program ahead of the Haft-Tappeh Pars Paper Industrial Group in the year of production jump and said, “The Company has different products in its work plan in accordance with the requirement of the domestic market. Due to the naming of this year by the Supreme Leader as the year of the production leap, the Pars Paper Industrial Group has used all its capacity to increase production to meet a part of the country’s domestic demand for all types of paper with the best quality and standard.”
Sressing the need to invest in paper production, especially printing and writing paper as a necessary and strategic commodity in the country, Moghaddam said, “I am afraid the necessary investment has not been made in the field of paper production in our country, especially printing and writing paper, and on the other hand, we are witnessing the exertion of laws that have severely made the production of this product uneconomical.”
He said, “If we want to localize a product in the country, the legal supports should be provided for the investors and the producers so that we would not be dependent on the import of printing and writing paper from abroad in these days when we are under sanctions. In this regard, one of the simplest supportive strategies is to allocate tariffs, while printing and writing paper do not have import tariffs, and no concessions have been granted to domestic producers, but instead a very large concession has been given to paper importers, which has caused us to lose the domestic market of printing paper easily and submit the market to importers and manufacturers of foreign products which has caused irreparable damage to the country’s paper industry.
The CEO of the Haft-Tappeh Pars Paper Industrial Group also said about the VAT collected from paper manufacturing companies, “Paper companies have to pay 9% VAT in order to purchase the required goods and raw materials while the final product which is paper is exempt from VAT because it is a cultural commodity which is the detriment of the domestic producer. For example, 9% VAT has to be paid in order to purchase raw materials from petrochemicals such as Arvand Petrochemical, but the 9% VAT cannot be levied on products made from this product, resulting in the loss of paper factories in this respect.
Regarding the allocation of cheap currency for importing goods like paper as another irreparable damage to the country’s paper making industry, he said, “While domestic paper factories have to pay for the equipment and the repairs of the production line with free currency, but at an interval of time, foreign paper was imported with the exchange rate of 42,000 Rials a USD, which greatly affected the conditions of the competition from domestic production. This factor, along with other factors in the country, caused us both not to be self-sufficient in paper production and to become more dependent on paper imports.”
Pointing to the improvement of the quality of domestically produced paper, Moghaddam said, “In the recent years, the quality of domestically produced paper has become much better than before, and even in some cases it is very close or in accordance with the quality of foreign paper. However, in the recent years, the necessary investment has not been made in the production of printing and writing paper in the country, so in the production of printing and writing paper, we will achieve the quality of global markets if new investments are made in this field like the countries in power in this field. If the Haft-Tappeh Pars Paper is supported, it will be able to produce much better printing and writing paper than foreign samples.”
He also referred to the export of the Haft-Tappeh Pars Paper and said, ” The Haft-Tappeh Pars Paper was introduced as a national sample exporter in previous years and now, in addition to exporting products to more different countries, it is looking for marketing in the domestic markets.”
In the end, Moghaddam explained the measures taken to deal with Corona in the company and said, “Before the pandemic of this disease, the Haft-Tappeh Pars Paper formed a special working group called Corona virus prevention headquarters, and in addition to approving the necessary resolutions regarding the information and the observance of health issues, as well as the preparation of a comprehensive protocol for the prevention of corona in the form of health instructions, it distributed masks among staff and disinfected all services, units, entrances and vehicles.”
The Haft-Tappeh Pars Paper Industrial Group Produces all kinds of fluting paper for carton making, white paper and pulp for producing tissues and disposable tableware, all kinds of packaging and hygienic paper used in the food and pharmaceutical industries, colored paper for writing and office purposes as well as Kraft paper.
The nominal production capacity of Haft-Tappeh Pars Factory is 120,000 tons, which is for different items. Today, the plant operates less than its nominal capacity. The staff of this factory, which is more than a thousand people, is trying to increase their knowledge and reliance on their expertise and to implement its expansion projects to bring this complex to its nominal capacity.
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