The CEO of Zanjan Rasha Caspian Paper Making Company said, “The wastewater treatment plant No. 2 of this industrial company was launched to standardize the effluent.”
In an interview with IRNA on Tuesday, Hossein Paydari added, “In order to minimize the environmental hazards, Rasha Caspian Paper Company, which is active in the paper and cardboard recycling industry, has carried out 2 years of intensive operations by using a combination of somestic and foreign technical knowledge. The company’s wastewater treatment plant completion system was put into operation in October this year.”
Stating that the inlet effluent of this new system and the raw effluent from the current paper production line have been put into operation to help the previous treatment plant system, he added, “The treated effluent from the treatment plant is in accordance with environmental standards and has a capacity of 3,500 cubic meters per day.”
Paydari added, “This new system was designed and constructed to share the volumetric flow and/or pollution load of the effluent from the paper machine in order to reduce the pressure on the treatment plant number one and also to provide conditions and the possibility of more and more suitable treatment so that the quality parameters of the effluent complies with the standards.”
Stating that this complex is unique in the country in terms of the technological system used in the aerobic and anaerobic sectors, he said, “The output of this system is the transferrable effluent to surface water which can be used for agriculture, tree planting and other Industries.”
Paydari continued, “This new treatment plant has been designed by a consortium consisting of three companies in designing, equipment manufacturing and academic field to treat such wastewater by using the existing experience in foreign countries specialized in this industry.”
Pointing out that all common systems in the wastewater treatment plant, such as mechanical, physical, chemical, aerobic and anaerobic treatment are provided in it, he said, “In the field of aerobic and anaerobic treatment, the system has been updated and the efficiency of these two parts has been improved compared to the equipment of the previous system in terms of level of the technology.”
The CEO of Rasha Caspian Zanjan Paper Company said, “One of the important advantages of this system is the possibility of using a comprehensive DCS instrumentation control system that is online. On the other hand, it is possible to wash and reuse the produced methane gas.”
Referring to the creation of employment in Zanjan Rasha Caspian Paper Company, Paydari added, “If the development plans of this industrial company are fully realized, it is predictable to employ up to 2,000 people in the next 2 years.”
According to IRNA, Rasha Caspian Paper making Company is located in Zanjan Industrial Park No. 1 and is one of the large units of the recycling industry and production of various types of carton corrugated sheets in the country.